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Slingerland Literacy Institute

2021 Slingerland Classes and Training Pathways

Short Classes (targeted literacy training):

Handwriting Instruction (12.5 hours)
Pre-Reading Skills (12.5 hours)
Pre-Reading Screening Skills (12.5 hours)
Screening Skills (12.5 hours
Spelling & Written Language Part 1 (20 hours)

Spelling & Written Language Part 2 (20 hours)
Handwriting, phonics, blending, written expression, and integrated auditory lessons

Techniques for Teaching Reading Skills (20 hours)
Decoding, phrasing, vocabulary development, reading with comprehension, and higher-level critical thinking skills
Practicum option +5 hours

Basics Classes (integrated literacy training):

Slingerland Basic Class (50 hours)
Handwriting, reading, spelling, and written language

Slingerland Basics Class w/Demonstration (65 hours)
Instructional demonstrations from class instructor

Comprehensive Classes:

Introductory Comprehensive Class (133 hours)
Includes content on English language organization, application of morphology to decoding, structured literacy multisensory instruction, language-based learning differences, purpose and steps for handwriting skills, written language, decoding, reading comprehension, and lesson plan integration

Continuum Class (133 hours)
Expands skills from the Introductory Comprehensive Class, including curriculum integration, dictation paragraphs, multi-syllable words, advanced phonics, Slingerland Screening, and spelling rules. Includes coursework and practicum with students

Third Level Continuum/Intern Class (133 hours)
For participants training to become staff teachers in the Slingerland Training Classes

Pathway to Certification as a Slingerland Certified Teacher:

Introductory Level Comprehensive Class

  • SIL Introductory Level Extended Practicum Class (60 hours)

Continuum Level Comprehensive Class

  • SIL Continuum Level Extended Practicum Class (60 hours)

Pathway to become a Certified Slingerland Instructor of Teaching:

Introductory Level Comprehensive Class

  • SIL Introductory Level Extended Practicum Class

Continuum Level Comprehensive Class

SIL Continuum Level Extended Practicum Class
SLI Instructor of Teaching Intern Level 1 (193 hours)
SLI Instructor of Teaching Intern Level 2 (193 hours)