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Coursework – Neuhaus Education Center

The Structured Literacy Modules are narrated online units with a corresponding quiz to check for understanding at the end of each module. The modules are broken into digestible, short lessons of 15 minutes or less.

The Neuhaus Structured Literacy Modules discuss the components of evidence-based, structured literacy instruction. The modules provide an in-depth explanation of the ways research grounded in the science of reading informs structured literacy, why the components of structured literacy are necessary for developing skilled readers, and how these components can be practically applied during direct instruction.

Course Learning Objectives

  • To provide sustained, robust professional development that creates a depth of knowledge around literacy instruction based on the science of reading;
  • To craft expertise around the pedagogical skills necessary to implement high-quality instruction; and
  • To provide the knowledge needed to make the sophisticated instructional decisions necessary to provide differentiated, high-quality teaching and learning

Modules Include:

  • Assessment
  • Domains of Language
  • Dyslexia and Related Learning Differences
  • Ethical Standards for Teachers of Reading
  • Fluency
  • Foundations of Reading Instruction
  • Handwriting
  • Letter Recognition
  • Morphology
  • Multi-tiered Systems of Support
  • Oral Language Development
  • Phonics
  • Phonology
  • Spelling
  • Structured Literacy for Emergent Bilingual Students
  • Structured Literacy for Older Students
  • Text Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Written Composition

The Structured Literacy Modules are most appropriate for:

  • Administrators, school leaders, or educators needing to build background knowledge on the topic;
  • Undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in education as part of their school coursework; and
  • Those preparing to take a reading certification exam

Course Alignment

The course and quizzes are in alignment with the Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading established by the International Dyslexia Association (IDA).

Course Length

Each lesson within the modules is 15 minutes or less. The entire course takes approximately 18 hours to complete. 18 CEUs that can be earned for completing ALL modules.

Do I need an instructor?

No; Modules are self-paced. They can be integrated into live presentations on campus to foster discussions and improve understanding. Participants can also complete them outside of class as assigned.

Course Delivery

Participant progress is recorded throughout each lesson. At the end of each module, participants take a quiz to ensure understanding. Participants must score 80% or above to unlock the subsequent modules.